Friday, April 8, 2011

You Can Get Your Ex Back After Two Weeks

If your ex has recently dumped you and you want him or her back, there are some ways that can advance to achieve your goal. Let's talk about things you need to remember in order to get your ex back.

The first thing that you are going to want to do is give them a little bit of space, since you don't want to be the annoying ex. If you turn into the annoying ex they are going to be lost forever. You don't want to " run into them" for at least 2 weeks, and during this 2 weeks you are going to be very busy.

Make sure that you aren't dwelling about your recent break up on sites like Facebook, because that is going to make you look very pathetic. Instead, when you change your relationship status and people say things like sorry, you should just say don't worry about it; single and ready to mingle! Try to make light of things, because odds are he or she is going to be checking what you are up to, and you don't want to look like you are sitting around obsessing about them.

For ladies, this is going to be when you hit the tanning booth or spray tan, get your hair highlighted, and get some clothes that really flatter your figure. You are going to also want hit the gym about 10 times in this two weeks, because this is going to help you drop some quick water weight and tone up a little.

Boys should also buy some clothes that are up to date and fashionable. Going to gym is also a good idea. You want to look great when meeting your ex.

After the two weeks has gone by, you are going to stage a run in with your ex. Maybe they have left some things at your house, or you have things at theirs. So, just casually shoot them a text that reads: "Hey can you drop that stuff off at my house later?" or "I'm going out, do you mind if I pick that stuff up?"

When finally seeing your ex, be short but warm. Little flirt is also acceptable, but don't make it too pushy. It has been two weeks when you last time met. If your ex still have an emotional connection with you, it will show.

A clear sign they still have some feelings for you is that they want to talk with you for a little while. You can talk with them awhile, but then pretend that you need to go somewhere, or you have some things to do. Chances are that you will get a phone call or a text message from your ex during that night.


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