Monday, June 28, 2010

Magic of Making Up - Can a Marriage Survive an Affair?

By Douglas Quinn

Can a marriage survive an affair? That is a tough question to answer. But many marriages have been known to hit a bump in the road and come out even stronger than they were before.

An affair really is not about your spouse wanting to have sex with another person. It is a sign of problems that have been growing in the marriage for a long time. These issues could have been there from the start, and the affair is just an end result of not addressing your issues together.

Coming together is the first step of reconciliation?

This may be the most difficult part of getting back on track. You are hurt because of what your spouse has done to you, and your spouse feels that they have let you down. So you both are going to have to find a way to come together and talk to each other about what happened.

Be honest with each other

You are both in a vulnerable state right now. and if you want to rebuild your marriage off of trust, then you both are going to need to start from the beginning. Tell your spouse how you truly feel about the situation. Then listen to your spouse when they communication there feels to you. Do not point the finger. Be honest with each other and see if marriage will be able to survive the affair.

Take your time to rebuild your marriage

There is no need to rush back into the marriage. This is a good time for you and your spouse to explore one another again. Go out on dates and have fun together. Try to rekindle the flame that was once there when you both first feel in love.

Just the fact that you are asking yourself "can a marriage survive an affair" is a good indication that you are interested in finding a way to keep your marriage together.

Discover some great and dirty tricks that you can use to get your spouse or ex to crawl back to you on their hands and knees begging you to take them back. These tricks are a set of easy to follow psychological tricks that you can use to your advantage to get your spouse or ex back within a few weeks guaranteed. If you would like to know how to get your ex back, I would strongly suggest you read on to the next page ==> Magic-of-Making-Up.

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Summary: Can a marriage survive an affair? That is a tough question to answer. But many marriages have been known to hit a bump in the road and come out even stronger than they were before.

Other helpful links to help you heal your relationship:
Heal Your Relationship | Magic of Making Up
Relationship Central
Magic Relationship Words

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