Saturday, December 11, 2010

Relationship Help - The Secret to a Loving, Intimate Relationship

I ran across this article tonight while doing a little research and just left that I needed to publish it on the blog for my readers. This article deals with the importance of remembering that it does take two people to have a loving and successful relationship. Being the selfish party is only going to chip away what ever is keeping you both together, So start thinking about your spouse or significant other for a change.


Relationship Help - The Secret to a Loving, Intimate Relationship
By Jo Baker

I was reading in a book the other day, and it said that the majority of relationships fail due to selfishness. Thinking on that for a moment, I realized that the root of all marriage difficulties could be traced back to that one human flaw - thinking of oneself only.

When I was younger, my desire was to be close to my soul-mate, so how did I go about building a loving intimate relationship? Where could I go and what to do to get the relationship help I needed...

Do not get me wrong, you do need to think of yourself in that you have enough resources within you to give to yourself and others, but, you also need to think of others in that same way. As much time and consideration as you give yourself, you also need to give to those around you.

Back to when I was young - in my late teens in fact. I fell head over heels with THE most gorgeous guy... well, we were soul-mates from the get-go! The world was our oyster, time stood still and we had a life of endless possibilities ahead of us. We thought we knew it all and that we had everything... we did not have lots of things, but we had a love that transcended all of that.

There was, however, one fly in the ointment...

My love was as young as I was, and he liked to keep things private... he had left a large family and he could now choose what he shared and with whom, and he relished being able to keep things, thoughts, feelings private.

I also had come from a large family, and my comfort was in sharing things with others. I was very uncomfortable about being on my own, and not knowing what was going on with my mate. All the insecurities of the young was laid on our shoulders, and we could not share our thoughts and feelings with each other - verbally. No problems with the physical communication, but you can not build a relationship on that alone.

Selfishness was at the root of our unenviable situation, and imaginations were let loose.

We could not talk with each other about the things that really mattered to the two of us and as a result we eventually went our separate ways through a crippling amount of pain and heartache. There is a surprise ending to this story... we met again after about 25 years of going our separate ways... still in love, not ever having stopped loving each other, or maybe, loving the idea of being in love with each other.

After living our lives in other relationships that also did not work out, we finally got back together... older, wiser, more prepared to work on our relationship, both realizing commitment, communication and a selflessness toward each other were what would make this new stage of our relationship work.
And it has.

Thirty and a half years after we first met, we were finally married, and now we live comfortably with ourselves and each other, learning each day to build our loving intimate relationship based on caring as much about the other as we do about ourselves.

We share more - verbally, time, and space, and it is good.
Learning how to give into a relationship takes time, effort and know-how. If you are struggling with making your relationship work and need relationship help, or, instead, you have found yourself 'out in the cold' because your love has just left you, you can get help to get back together or put that spark back into your love and grow it again.

All is not lost! You can build the loving intimate relationship you have always dreamed of. While it will take some time, won't it be worth it?

Learn more about the specific timings you need to know about to get back with your ex, or how to make your relationship work better than you ever dreamed possible here - there is nothing like starting right now to get your loving intimate relationship back!

Article Source:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Three Tips That Can Help You Save Your Marriage and Stop Your Divorce

It is a known fact that couples in a marriage will face a marriage ending problem sometime during the marriage. All couples get into an argument here and there. We are all human after all and we all make mistakes. The great thing about mistakes and problems is that they can be fixed. There is no reason to allow a divorce to progress when you can save your marriage and avoid a divorce.

Here are a few tips that can help you begin to save your marriage.

1. Control your emotions. Allowing yourself to become emotional and loss control of yourself will hurt this process more than you will ever know. A child throwing a temper tantrum should never get its way, why should you if you are acting like a child? Be mature about the healing process, even when your spouse is not.

2. Show your spouse that you want to listen to their concerns. This is a time when your spouse is looking for something solid and dependable. This is an opportunity to show them that you can be that person. Your goal is not to smother you spouse, but remind them that you are there for them.

3. Understand that you are both victims in this bad situation. You both are in a state of pain while the divorce is allowed to progress. Even victims need some help. Work with your spouse to help them understand that, and try to get both of you in a support group or couples counseling.

The road to saving your marriage is a long and sometime painful road. But the rewards that await you will be beneficial to both of you if you are committed to your spouse and marriage.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ways That You Can Fix Your Relationship With The Wife?

It is normal for a couple to hit a rough patch in a marriage. And it seems that the man is always the one that needs the most help with reconciling with his wife. Here are the keys that I focus on in my sessions.

Analyze Your Marriage
You should ask yourself the following questions.

- What went wrong in the marriage?
- Was she giving off signs that she was unhappy?
- What can I do to show her that I love her?
- What can I change about me to show her that I can change?

These are all very good questions that you can address to see what direction you need to take to resolve any marital issues that you both have.

Talk to her
It is amazing how powerful communicating with your wife can be. Most of the time marriages fail because there wasn't enough talking taking place and couples just fall out of touch with each other. This is a good time to open up the communication channels and show her that you are not afraid to sit down with her and talk seriously about your marriage.

Take her out on dates
The dating does not stop just because you are married. You both need your time alone away from the house and the kids to explore each other. And there is no better way to do this than going out on dates. If the kids are big enough get out for the weekend. This is a great way to get the passion back in your marriage.

Couples need to understand that repairing a troubled marriage takes a lot of hard work from both parties. And this extra work is going to pay off in the long run with you and your wife having a stronger marriage that is filled with love and compassion for each other.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

How to Heal My Marriage - Discover Ways to Reconnect With Your Partner

By Gillian Reynolds

"I wish I knew how to heal my marriage." If you're saying this now, it's obvious that you've reached a point where you realize your relationship is in jeopardy. Although marriage is the primary relationship in many people's lives, they don't always pay it as much attention as they need to. Many people take their spouse and the relationship for granted and suddenly wake up one day to realize that there's an incredible amount of emotional distance separating them. If you feel like this now and you don't want to even consider the idea of a separation or divorce, take heart. You can heal your relationship with your spouse and actually reconnect with them so the bond you two share is stronger than it's ever been before.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The First Steps to Healing a Relationship

By Sunny Hussain
Is your relationship in need of healing? Don't make your situation worse.

Take the first steps to healing a relationship, to ensure your continued happiness.

Healing is a must to maintain a happy and loving relationship. When your relationship is at it's best, everyone is happy and less stressed. Your mind will be free to focus on other things, which will make you more productive. Your health won't suffer from the constant feelings of lack and negativity.

Taking the first steps to healing a relationship can be very trying, but must be done if you want to live happily within your relationship. That's what everyone wants, right? I have never heard anyone say they want or like being in a miserable relationship.

When your relationship isn't up to par, you can feel weak and drained of energy, as much of your thinking is consumed by what is lacking or the faults in your relationship. This stress plays on your entire being, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dealing with conflict in the Relationship

Conflict is a normal thing in any relationship. There is going to come a time in your relationship where you are going to disagree with your spouse or parent. Communication skills are the one thing that separates strong relationships from the more difficult or failing ones. So it is important that couples find a way to develop the communication skills that will help resolve conflict in the relationship before it gets out of hand.

Simple communication skills that can help resolve conflict in the relationship:

Tips to End Your Relationship – Break Up Advice

Knowing that it is time to end the relationship is a difficult decision that many people just avoid making. Why would you want to go on with the relationship if you know that you are going to be unhappy in the long run? The best thing that you can do for yourself and your partner is to get it over with and end it now.

Here are some tips how you can end your relationship:

Monday, June 28, 2010

Discover How Get Your Ex Back in 4 Easy Steps

Discover How Get Your Ex Back in 4 Easy Steps

Author: makeup with your ex now guy

Almost everyone in their life has had to go through a breakup. A breakup is a strange thing. Most things in life, the more you do them, the easier it becomes to do. With breakups no matter how many you've had to go through in the past, they certainly don't become easier to go through.

Win My Boyfriend Back Tips

Win My Boyfriend Back Tips

By Jason Walton

There comes a time when you get so lonely you decide that you say "I want to win my boyfriend back." During this time he may be with another person, and while you could let the two of them experience the happiness they may deserve, she did take him from you to begin with. So the process is relatively easy.

Chances are she brought something to the relationship that you didn't have that he may have been looking for. It doesn't mean you weren't right for him, it just means you lacked a quality she had. He obviously found something good in you to begin the relationship, so take a look at her and what is different between the both of you.

Now take a moment and say "I'm going to win my boyfriend back." Commit this to yourself and then move forward making some changes in your life. If she is a bit thinner than you or if she appears to have better hygiene you should work on those areas. Remember, these are areas you personally are noticing she has strengths in; the real scenario may be different.

Now begin the slow process of seduction. Since he has a new girl in his life, you can't just jump on him and shove your tongue down his throat. This would cause problems for you and give you a bad image. Instead, take a more casual approach. When you are out around him in town, make sure you dress a little bit seductive. Give him just enough to want what he once had. Wear tight jeans, and a top that shows just a little of what you have to offer at the same time have it appear causal and classy.

When you have determined that he is keeping a close eye on you, start making suggestive motions without making them obvious. Rub your lips slightly at times, and smooth the back of your pants when he is watching. He'll start to notice these actions and if they don't appear deliberate it will come across as being sexy.

Once you are certain you have snagged his affections again move in for the kill. Get two tickets to his favorite event and tell him you'd like for him to join you. If his girlfriend says no to it, she becomes unsupportive and he will become unhappy. If she says yes, she's given you permission to move in. This is the catch 22 situation. While you are spending time together recall all the other great times you both have shared.

From this point, use your imagination to be as creative as you can to create new situations to have you spend more time together. Eventually he will realize he is more into you than he ever realized. Just be one of the guys and let fate take the relationship where it is meant to go. Then you can say "I did win my boyfriend back." But remember once you have won him back, you need to keep him interested in you, and you need to maintain the new you.

Jason has been in the business of dealing with people in their darkest hours for over 20 years. He runs a great blog with his life long partner and love of his life Paige. Don't let the title How to Get Your Ex Back mislead you. In addition to helping people get the love of their life back, the site is packed with insightful tips on making relationships work in the real world!

Drop by the blog, there are tons of articles and you can sign up for a free video series I Want My Boyfriend Back

Article Source:


Summary: There comes a time when you get so lonely you decide that you say "I want to win my boyfriend back." During this time he may be with another person, and while you could let the two of them experience the happiness they may deserve, she did take him from you to begin with. So the process is relatively easy.

Other helpful links to help you heal your relationship:
Heal Your Relationship | Magic of Making Up
Relationship Central
Magic Relationship Words

Save My Marriage - Honest First Hand Advice on Saving the Bond

By Maisie B. Harder

Those days when I thought we are inseparable had long been gone. It is hard to pretend that everything is fine when we know deep inside that we are two lonely people caught in each other's embrace. I want to give up the marriage but I am not sure if I can. After all, it is so hard to trash all those years we've been together. I thought about the idea whether it is still possible for me to save my marriage. Good thing, my partner was very vocal from the start that he still wants me on his side. If I didn't saw the spark of hope in his eyes then it is possible that our marriage have been long broken.

What did I do to save my marriage? You might be asking this question right now in your mind. Well, there is nothing extraordinary that I've done.

1. The first thing I did was to recognize that there is indeed a problem in the relationship. I stopped denying the real situation of our marriage. Back then when my friends asked me about out status, I would quickly reply that we are doing fine although deep inside that I am just fooling myself. It is during the moment when I started looking at the problem when I found the courage to deal with it properly. This is the first step I did on the way to save my marriage.

2. Instead of talking to my husband eventually to resolve the problem, what I did was to look at myself and discover my own mistakes. This is also the time when I decided to heal my insecurities away. It was not easy telling myself that I am wrong but it is very beneficial for me to finally got the courage to move forward. Total self evaluation is what I did. Also, I promised myself that I am not going to be such person again. I promised to improve myself.

3. When I am done, it was the moment when I talked to my husband. It was not easy talking to him because I believe that he has his own sets of problems that resulted for the relationship to suffer. But what I did was to become strong and understanding the best way I can. After all, I need to have those attitudes so I can successfully save my marriage.

4. Since we weren't able to resolve our issues, the next thing we did was to seek the advice of a professional counselor. That person helped us a lot so we can go on with our marriage life properly. It was worth it! We were able to gain knowledge and experience that we never thought to be necessary before. This is the reason why I would normally advice my friends and colleague to seek professional help if they are on the verge of breaking up. Indeed, marriage counseling can help a lot to fix a relationship which is about to be broken soon.

Is your marriage starting to fall apart? In that case, the more you must check out our site to find out how to tell yourself, How do I Save my Marriage to help strengthen your relationship. Click Save my Marriage for more information.

Article Source:

Other helpful links to help you heal your relationship:
Heal Your Relationship | Magic of Making Up
Relationship Central
Magic Relationship Words

Magic of Making Up - Can a Marriage Survive an Affair?

By Douglas Quinn

Can a marriage survive an affair? That is a tough question to answer. But many marriages have been known to hit a bump in the road and come out even stronger than they were before.

An affair really is not about your spouse wanting to have sex with another person. It is a sign of problems that have been growing in the marriage for a long time. These issues could have been there from the start, and the affair is just an end result of not addressing your issues together.

Coming together is the first step of reconciliation?

This may be the most difficult part of getting back on track. You are hurt because of what your spouse has done to you, and your spouse feels that they have let you down. So you both are going to have to find a way to come together and talk to each other about what happened.

Be honest with each other

You are both in a vulnerable state right now. and if you want to rebuild your marriage off of trust, then you both are going to need to start from the beginning. Tell your spouse how you truly feel about the situation. Then listen to your spouse when they communication there feels to you. Do not point the finger. Be honest with each other and see if marriage will be able to survive the affair.

Take your time to rebuild your marriage

There is no need to rush back into the marriage. This is a good time for you and your spouse to explore one another again. Go out on dates and have fun together. Try to rekindle the flame that was once there when you both first feel in love.

Just the fact that you are asking yourself "can a marriage survive an affair" is a good indication that you are interested in finding a way to keep your marriage together.

Discover some great and dirty tricks that you can use to get your spouse or ex to crawl back to you on their hands and knees begging you to take them back. These tricks are a set of easy to follow psychological tricks that you can use to your advantage to get your spouse or ex back within a few weeks guaranteed. If you would like to know how to get your ex back, I would strongly suggest you read on to the next page ==> Magic-of-Making-Up.

Article Source:

Summary: Can a marriage survive an affair? That is a tough question to answer. But many marriages have been known to hit a bump in the road and come out even stronger than they were before.

Other helpful links to help you heal your relationship:
Heal Your Relationship | Magic of Making Up
Relationship Central
Magic Relationship Words

5 Simple Techniques to Heal a Broken Heart For Powerful Women

By Flo Li

We are always participating in many different relationships on a daily basis. No matter the nature of the relationship - difficulties, breakups, and heartaches always occur. If you are still breathing, you will experience heartache in one form or another.

This does not mean just because we are used to the heartaches, it no longer hurts. Let us face it, when someone means the world to us and when that relationship fails, it hurts. The truth is, it does not just hurt a little, it hurts a lot! This is not because you are not strong enough to overcome the pain; this is because you have invested so much of yourself into that relationship. Since you have invested so much of your time, your energy and your heart into the other person, having everything suddenly break down does feel like your world is coming to an end. It does not do us any good to live in denial. So admit it. Own it. Tell yourself the truth about the amount of pain you do actually feel inside.

Only from a place of honesty, you can then begin the healing process. The following shows 5 simple strategies to begin the healing process:

1. Staying Healthy

A health body will produce more serotonin. This happy hormone is produced during the day. Low levels of serotonin can cause depression, addiction, irritability, fatigue, and feelings of low self-esteem. So when you are feeling down, instead of grabbing the nearest form of addiction, go out and get some exercise. The best way is to take a walk outside with lots of greens and not a lot of people. This will give you a chance to reconnect to yourself and to nature. Make sure you are committed to staying healthy.

2. Reduce Depression

Melatonin is another happy hormone that is produced at night. In order to reduce the effect of depression naturally, you must get enough rest at night. It does not matter if you are not able to sleep, simply allow yourself to lie down and take inventory of how your body feels is enough. Pay complete attention to each part and send care and appreciation to each part of the body you scan. Notice resentment that might come up, just note it and let it go. By allowing yourself to relax from head to toe while paying tender care to each part of your body, you will find yourself less tense. This simple technique might even put you to sleep.

3. Finding Answers

I'm sure your mind is screaming out "WHY?!" Why did it happen? Why does it hurts so badly? Why it did not work out? It is ok to entertain those thoughts. Grab a pen and a pad of paper and write down anything that comes to your mind. It does not have to be grammatically correct or legible. It is for your outlet only - no one will grade you on it. Whenever you feel the need, write down your thoughts. You will be surprised what you might find. You can also switch to your none dominate hand and write some more. This can be a daily or a weekly process.

4. More Joy Naturally

You can use some simple self-examining questions that will help you release your negative emotions so you can find the joy within again. The simplest way is whenever you notice a negative emotion ask for what the purpose of that emotion is and what it is teaching you. When you embrace the emotion, the learning behind the emotion, that layer of negative emotion will quickly and quietly dissolve. Once that is complete, focus on an ingredient of joy. Such as appreciation, care, peace around the area of your heart. Breathe in appreciation and breathe out love.

5. Greater Self-Confidence

On a daily basis, take care of your material, physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. It is a balance of all areas of care for yourself that will bring the best result to gain your self-confidence again. You can refer to my ezine article called "5 Tips to Greater Love". These 5 tips are proven ways for many women to boost their self-confidence and feel great again.

Note, your lingering sadness can be a sign of depression. If left untreated, complications will arise. It is entirely up to you to seek help in the forms of prescription medication, extensive therapy, or life skills coaching that can offer faster transformation for some. Whatever you decide is the best for you, make a commitment to reach out.

Flo Li is the founder of Inner Success Blueprint - helping people to release emotional pain after breakups and regain their self-confidence again. For more information and other free resources, please visit

Article Source:

What I Like About this Article: This article has some very good points on what a woman can do to to start the healing process.

Other helpful links to help you heal your relationship:
Heal Your Relationship | Magic of Making Up
Relationship Central
Magic Relationship Words